Employee Spotlight: Jana Bates – Senior Manager

Our Employee Spotlight is here to help you better understand our people, culture, and what it’s like to work at Bridgepoint Consulting. 我们相信,我们在具有挑战性的工作和协作性的员工之间取得了很好的平衡,这使我们每个人都能完全享受成为TeamBridgepoint的一部分. Today’s featured Employee Spotlight is on Jana Bates, our Senior Manager for Bridgepoint Consulting’s Austin office.

Get to know Jana

Jana是贝勒大学(Sic ' em)的第三代毕业生,在那里她获得了会计学工商管理硕士学位. 她在DFW地区的医疗保健行业开始了她的职业生涯,在2000年决定搬迁到奥斯汀地区之前,她从职员会计稳步晋升为会计经理. At the height of the tech bubble, 她决定离开医疗行业,进入科技界,去一家软件公司做会计经理. The tech bubble burst shortly thereafter, 因此,她在Ascension Seton担任了几年财务经理,之后第一次进入咨询行业,主要与初创公司合作,担任部分控制器角色. Several years later, 她得到了一个令人兴奋的机会,成为一家高频培训公司的财务总监. After 4 years, 她已经做好了改变的准备,并意识到咨询对她来说是一个更好的选择,大约9年前,她来到了Bridgepoint. Since coming to Bridgepoint, Jana has had the opportunity to work with multiple clients, 在许多不同行业的复杂项目中,持续时间从几周到一年多不等.

Jana是土生土长的德克萨斯人,在该州东北角的朗维尤镇长大. 她和马修·麦康纳(Matthew McConaughey)在同一个毕业班(88届)!!). She had horses growing up and loved riding with her family on the weekends. 多亏了她的祖母,她喜欢烹饪和娱乐,并期待着能够很快再次举办派对! Growing up 2 hours from Dallas, she is also a huge Dallas Cowboys fan.

What led you to consulting?

The short answer is that I get bored easily! 我发现在传统的角色中,当你清理了所有的东西并自动化了流程之后,除了持续的维护就没有什么可做的了. 我一直在寻找挑战,而在咨询界从来都不缺乏挑战. 我也觉得在咨询中,你可以在更短的时间内产生更大的影响. 多样性和灵活性,以及结识许多有趣的新朋友的机会也是推动因素.

How would you describe the culture at Bridgepoint?

Supportive! 在我在Bridgepoint的9年里,我们公司经历了很多变化, 但有一点始终如一,那就是Bridgepoint对员工的重视程度. Over time, 因为我对学习新技能和从事不同类型的项目很感兴趣, the leaders of Bridgepoint have always been very encouraging. With their partnership, 我已经能够更多地关注项目管理,而不是传统的会计,并且已经成为多个M的一部分&一个集成项目,以及领导一个跨职能团队在一个转型的NetSuite实施项目. 他们还设立了领导力学院,这表明他们致力于将团队发展成为Bridgepoint未来的领导者.


The people! 我之前在另一家咨询公司工作过,Bridgepoint的一个主要区别是,它真的只聘用最优秀的人. The Humble, Hungry, 聪明的前提在你遇到的每一个人身上都很明显,从校长到我们最近的大学毕业生. I have never worked with so many truly exceptional people! 知道如果我遇到我无法解决的问题或新事物,这是令人欣慰的, 我可以去找很多有才华的专业人士,他们随时准备并愿意以任何方式提供帮助. 从我们的任何实践领域引进其他团队成员到一个项目中,我从来没有任何疑虑,因为我相信他们会为我们的客户做得很好.

Talk to us about who you are outside of consulting.

I enjoy traveling especially to any place with a beach! 我是一个美食家和葡萄酒爱好者,多年来有幸参与了一些很酷的烹饪体验, 包括纳帕的法式洗衣店之旅和西雅图的私人厨师配对晚宴,展示了太平洋西北地区的所有美食. 我清单上的下一个冒险是把这两种兴趣结合起来,在意大利吃喝玩乐! I also enjoy cooking and have taken many cooking classes, including virtual classes during the pandemic. 我的另一个爱好是运动(看而不是玩),尤其是大学橄榄球!

What advice would you give someone who is considering a career in consulting?

一位客户曾经告诉我,做顾问就像做侦探一样, and that was one of the most accurate descriptions I have heard. Don’t be afraid to ask questions. 成为一名成功的咨询师的关键之一是倾听和理解客户的需求. 如果你能适应新的环境,并且正在寻找一份具有挑战性的工作,这样你就能迅速产生巨大的影响, consulting may be the perfect fit for you.

Ready to join #TeamBridgepoint?

If you’re someone who has spent your time in-house throughout your career but are looking to drive more change, looking for new challenges, or are craving more variety, consider a career in consulting with Bridgepoint! We’re always on the lookout for top talent. We encourage you to browse our current openings and become part of #teambridgepoint!

Check out additional employee stories here or find out what makes Bridgepoint a great place to work!

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